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Services interactions

A simple schema which only displays direct interactions with all databases, RMQ, external APIs, etc.

flowchart EW[engine-webhook] MDB[(MongoDB)] RMQ[(RabbitMQ)] TDB[(TimescaleDB)] NTC[Notification tool client] TTC[Ticketing tool client] EW ---|store requests| MDB EW ---|receive/send events| RMQ EW ---|store metrics| TDB EW ---|create notifications| NTC EW ---|create tickets| TTC

Detailed schemas

The following schemas display flows of events by each use-case of business logic.

Send a notification by a webhook.

flowchart EAC[engine-action] EF[engine-fifo] ECH[engine-che] EAX[engine-axe] EW[engine-webhook] OE[other engines] R[(Redis)] NTC[Notification tool client] EF -- 1 . Event --> ECH ECH -- 2 . Event --> EAX EAX -- 3 . Event --> OE OE -- 4 . Event --> EAC EAC -.->|5 . Store scenario executions| R EAC -.->|6 . Store request| MDB EAC -.->|7 . Run webhook| EW EW -.->|8 . Send HTTP request| NTC EW -.->|9 . Update alarm| EAX EAX -.->|10 . Result alarm| EAC

Create a ticket by a webhook.

flowchart EAC[engine-action] EF[engine-fifo] ECH[engine-che] EAX[engine-axe] EW[engine-webhook] OE[other engines] MDB[(MongoDB)] R[(Redis)] TTC[Ticketing tool client] EF -- 1 . Event --> ECH ECH -- 2 . Event --> EAX EAX -- 3 . Event --> OE OE -- 4 . Event --> EAC EAC -.->|5 . Store scenario executions| R EAC -.->|6 . Store request| MDB EAC -.->|7 . Run webhook| EW EW -.->|8 . Send HTTP request| TTC EW -.->|9 . Update alarm| EAX EAX -.->|10 . Result alarm| EAC

Create a ticket by a declare ticket rule.

flowchart A[API] EAX[engine-axe] EW[engine-webhook] TTC[Ticketing tool client] A -.->|1 . Store request| MDB A -.->|2 . Run declare ticket| EW EW -.->|3 . Send HTTP request| TTC EW -.->|4 . Update alarm| EAX A -.->|5 . Fetch result| MDB